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Armor Comparision 2012

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Hello out there !

I found a great comparision of different armor kits in the archive. And a lot of people are posting their new kits here and show how they build up the whole armor. So i think it would be cool to collect pictures of their sets to see what they really got when they bought their kit and to see the differences between availiable kits. So you are all invited to make a picture of your new kit (maybe trimmed) and post it here so we can have a new comparision here. I hope to see some armor from KS, MC, SC, Armor depot, moviefx, starfortress and everything else. If this will happen everybody can look for himself which armor he likes most or has the most accurate form. I dont want any discussion about the maker of the armor. Just place a picture here with the armor and a measurement for reference. Hopefully it will work out. And maybe we can make a comparision of the helmets as well. I am thinking about buying some components from one maker and some from a nother and build me an armor as i liked it most. :)

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The most accurate armour is MC, there are no other makers sculpting any other part better IMO. If you are about the size of a ROTJ Biker Scout extra/stuntman then I would advise you to buy this armour. Long wait but send for it now, even without picture comparisons.

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My first armour was SC, great quality nice plastic, great seller, fast delivery and a nice guy. Just not as accurate as MC... yet!



Folks normally stick to MC,SC and KS as we know the quality of these best.

From worst to best,


Star fortress? I have never seen this but everything else he makes looks terrible. Can't really say about Movie FX either.

Armor Depot





There is a great thread on here somewhere showing the differences.


I would avoid mixing and matching armour parts unless you want to paint it all the same shade of white.

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I know that i have to paint all parts when i start mixing up armor parts. But i dont like the monstrous backpack of KS and i dont really like the shape of the bizeps parts of MC and the rest of SC looks great but i am indifferent with these too. So i hoped some one would like to post his armor and everybody can make themself an opinion. Currently i have most of armor pics availiable in the net or sent to me personnally from the maker of the armor. Some havent replied to me until now but i can wait :) But as long as you dont have any measures near the parts you wont be able if some parts are big or small. I think i would buy me myself an armor from any known maker of armor but my wife would kill me or ii have to sell my drafthorse to get enough money what would cause my wife to kill me too ;)

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From what I have read, avoid Starfortress at all cost. Google it and see for your self.


I'm myself waiting for an MC kit, ordered it around 10-11 weeks ago, and from what I've heard from Kathy it should be finished in another couple of weeks. Since patience is not one of my middle names, these weeks have arguably been the worse weeks of my life... I do however fully believe that once I get it I will for a short time be the happiest guy on this planet, at least until the next guy recieves his.

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Bought an SC V2 helmet right now. And an MLC V3 too. Couldnt make a decission which one will be better. And right after me paying i saw that scarcasm is selling his complete Scout Outfit. Damn i would have bought it but now i am out of funds. So i think i will buy a SC Armor when everything is good with the helmet :)

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Maybe so Jeff, but the SC set is a much better set. More durable, better pulled (of late) and awesome customer service. Yes, so they both have issues, and if I was to recommend one of them, it's be the SC every day of the week!

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So i am able to compare KS, SC and MC Armor now since all of them have send me pictures of their armor.

Prices vary widely.

The highest price comes with MC then SC and then KS. But there is no package with the parts you need for harnessing. If you order a complete harnessed armor at KS it will cost more then the MC.

The most differences i see is in the belt. KS and MC have a one piece belt and SC a three part one.

Next difference between is that youu have to order a resin upgrade kit with the MC else greeblis, T bits and tank topper seem to be ABS too.

All arm parts are different too. The shoulder is longest with SC then KS and MC having the shortest.

The bizeps Part of KS is the shortest and very round. The SC is a little bit longer but not curved on the lower part. MC with the longest parts also round at the bottom like KS.

The forearmguards of MC and SC look similar but SC is more round and MC straight lined. KS guards are a mixture of both but top and bottom look to have nearly the same length.

The tank of KS and MC seem to have the same size and form. The MC seems to be a little bit longer. The SC tank seems to be the smallest but looks like the same length then the MC. Side Packs of KS seem gigantic compared to the MC ones. SC is in between them in size.

Best looking TD is the MC then KS and the SC seems to be a little bit too small for the greeblies.

Holsters are all different too.

Front plate is KS widest then MC then SC i think, with SC having the longest shoulder parts.

Backparts are in size like the front but every one has a slightly different form for the tank.

The part where the tank will be put on is formed like the tank at SC. KS has only a hightened line on the bottom of the plate. And MC a hightened bottom line and hightened tank piece.

So for me (my 2 cent) i like the mc most and then SC and at least KS. Since mfx never realy send me good pics for comparision and i wont go for SF and cant say anything to armor-depot too, i think i will order a SC armor when i am ready with the helmets. Or a MC if i can afford it and have the patience to wait at least 14 weeks :blink: before they would be delivered.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm myself waiting for an MC kit, ordered it around 10-11 weeks ago, and from what I've heard from Kathy it should be finished in another couple of weeks. Since patience is not one of my middle names, these weeks have arguably been the worse weeks of my life... I do however fully believe that once I get it I will for a short time be the happiest guy on this planet, at least until the next guy recieves his.


Well, be prepared to wait...


I ordered an MC armor around Christmas, was told 10-12 weeks to deliver, and it's now almost 8 months later, and they still haven't shipped it....

So, be happy if you receive it before Christmas! =)

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